Visibility in HelloHealth search refers to where a provider or practice will appear when patients search for them in HelloHealth.

Three types of visibility settings can be used and they are accessed from HelloHealth Facility.

Screenshot of Hello Search Visibility

Global Search

Global search in HelloHealth refers to appearing in the search for all patients in HelloHealth.

Patients can find any practice or provider that has this setting turned on.

Practice Page

Each practice has a unique link that patients can use to access or create their HelloHealth accounts.

Patients who use this link to create their accounts or patients linked to the practice are the only ones who can search for the provider.

Besides them, patients who create their accounts from the Global URL and are linked to the practice will also have this ability.


This setting allows practices to turn off search visibility, meaning that no patient can search and find a practice or provider.

Note: Once you have selected the visibility you prefer, click on ‘Save’ for it to take effect.