Managing Patient Appointments on HelloHealth allows you to see various appointment-related details.

From the appointment page, by default, you will see it based on the current day.

You cannot make or make any appointment changes from here, however, you can see the following:

  1. Patients First Name, Last Name, Sex & Age
  2. Appointment Date
  3. The Provider
  4. Appointment reason
  5. Appointment Type
  6. Appointment Status
  7. Expanded Appointment details

Note: Currently, appointments are made and managed on the PracticeSuite Scheduler.

HelloHealth allows you to filter patients by appointment. In addition to displaying all patients linked to the selected provider by default, you can also utilize additional filters to refine your selection of patients to view.

This is where the functionality of filtering patients by appointment comes into action.

The three primary types of appointment filters are:

  1. Appointment Date
  2. Appointment Status
  3. Appointment Type

when it comes to further managing patient appointments, you can view patient demographic information and expand the full appointment details.

Managing Patient Appointments

To do this, on the appointments page, click on the icon next to the patient’s name. If by default you don’t see the icon, you can move your cursor to the right and you should see the icon.

View Appointments details on HelloHealth

When you click on the icon, you will see the expanded appointment details.
