When you create reminders you make it easy to send out automatic messages to your patients regarding their appointments.

How to Create Reminders

To create a reminder, follow the following steps:

Step 1

On the ‘Reminders’ screen, to create an appointment reminder, click on ‘Add New’.

Step 2

After you click the ‘Add New’ button, a new page will appear, allowing you to begin setting up your automatic reminder.

First, under the ‘Send out an auto reminder alert’, click on the ‘Select Option’ drop-down to see all the different options available for you.

When it comes to appointment reminders, you have six different options you can use to set up your reminders. They are as follows:

  • Immediate after an appointment – This system automatically sends a reminder immediately after an appointment is booked.
  • Immediate after rescheduling –This system automatically sends a reminder immediately after an appointment is rescheduled.
  • Days – This system automatically sends a reminder a few days before the scheduled appointment.
  • Hours – This system automatically sends a reminder a few hours before the appointment, ranging from 1 hour to up to 23 hours before the scheduled time.
  • Cancelled – This is an automatic appointment reminder that is sent out immediately after an appointment is cancelled.
  • Missed – This system automatically sends a reminder immediately after an appointment has been missed.

Step 3

Select which method you would like for patients to receive the reminder. There are three ways in which you can send an automatic reminder: through email, text, or both.

You will have 6500 characters for email text, and 500 characters for text reminders, and both the reminders combined.

Note: Patients whose email or phone numbers are not current will not receive the reminders.

Step 4

Click ‘Save’ to save the Reminder or ‘Cancel’ to delete the configuration.


Once you create the Reminder, you can perform various actions using these icons:

– Edit the Reminder

– Delete the Reminder.

– Preview the Reminder

Message Tags

Message tags look like this <<First_Name>>, they are used to further customize your messages. When used in a message a message tag will personalize the message and the <<First_Name>> tag for example, when received will show the Patient’s First Name. See the drop-down to see what the other tags will include.

Find out how to create an appointment recall.