How to Create An Appointment Recall

To create an appointment recall, follow the following steps:

Step 1

On the ‘Recall’ screen, to create an appointment recall, click on ‘Add New’.

Step 2

After you click the ‘Add New’ button, a new page will appear, allowing you to begin setting up your automatic reminder.

First, under the ‘Send out an auto alert’, click on the ‘Select Option’ drop-down to see all the different options available for you.

Create An Appointment Recall

The Category will have various recall options that you can select from, as set in PracticeSuite.

  • Immediate – This system automatically sends a reminder after a recall has been set.
  • Months –This system automatically sends a recall up to 12 months before the recall is due.
  • Weeks – This system automatically sends a recall up to five (5) weeks before a recall is due.
  • Days – This system automatically sends a recall a few days before the recall is due.

Step 3

Select which method you would like for patients to receive the recall. There are three ways in which you can send an automatic recall: through email, text, or both.

You will have 6500 characters for email text, and 500 characters for text reminders, and both the reminders combined.

Note: Patients whose email or phone numbers are not current will not receive the reminders.

Step 4

Click ‘Save’ to save the Reminder or ‘Cancel’ to delete the configuration.

Message Tags

Message tags look like this <<First_Name>>, they are used to customize your messages further. When used in a message a message tag will personalize the message and the <<First_Name>> tag, when received will show the Patient’s First Name. See the drop-down to see what the other tags will include.

Once you create the Recall, you can perform various actions using these icons:

– Edit the Reminder

– Delete the Reminder.

– Preview the Reminder


Learn how to create reminders.