What is a Broadcast Message?

A broadcast message is a message that can be sent to multiple patients.

Patients who already have a HelloHealth account and non-HelloHealth account holders can receive broadcast messages.

A Broadcast Message can be sent to either the patient’s HelloHealth account, email address, cell phone number, or both (if they don’t have an account).

The practice can decide what they want to send broadcasts for, which could include, mass inviting patients and sharing information.

How to create a broadcast message in HelloHealth

Figure 1: Screenshot showing a list of broadcast messages

How to Create a HelloHealth Broadcast Message

To create a HelloHealth Broadcast Message, follow these instructions:

Step 1

Go to Broadcast Message on the Menu.

Step 2

If you don’t have one already created, in the form of a template, click on ‘Schedule Broadcast’.

Learn more about templates.

Step 3

Select Patient by using the ‘Add Patient’ search field. Search patient by first or last name.

You can also add a group of people by selecting the patient group.

How to create a HelloHealth Broadcast

Learn more about how to create a patient group.

Step 4

Select which format you want the patient the receive Broadcast Message in, between Email, text or both.

Step 5

If you already have a template to edit, click on ‘Select Template’.

You can edit the template as you see fit before sending the Broadcast Message.

Learn more about managing Templates.

Step 6

Enter the subject of your Broadcast Message in the ‘Subject field’.

Step 7

Start typing your message in the message field.

Managing Broadcast Messages

Besides creating broadcast messages, you can do three other things under the ‘Actions’ tab:

  1. Edit an existing Broadcast
  2. Reschedule a Broadcast
  3. Delete a broadcast