What is a Patient Group?

To create a Patient Group on HelloHealth, you are grouping people based on certain criteria such as their age, appointment types, and more.

You can create patient groups based on any reason you need.

Once you have created one, you can use it to send Broadcast Messages and Messages.

How to create a patient group and HelloHealth

Note: The Patient Groups shown in the above image are for demonstration purposes.

How do I create a Patient Group?

To create a Patient Group on HelloHealth you should follow these steps:

Step 1

On the menu, click ‘Patient Groups’ to create a group.

Step 2

Click on ‘Add Group’

Step 3

Enter a Group name.

Add Patient Group

Step 4

Select the filter you want to set as the parameters that your patient group should have.

Note: These filters will collect information from PracticeSuite and all your patients who meet or fit them will all be grouped.

Step 5

To save the patient group, click the ‘Save’ button.